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Nov 3, 2020

The Chinese government recently announced it would cut all greenhouse gasses by 2060, yet at the same time has been working to gain control over an emerging oil market which could give it deeper influence over global energy. According to Agostino Von Hassell, head of Repton Matrix Intelligence Network, China has...

Jan 7, 2020

In this episode of Crossroads we speak with Richard Graber, President of The Bradley Foundation, about his organization's work in restoring, strengthening, and protecting the institutions that make America great.

Jan 6, 2020

In this episode of Crossroads we speak with Wilhelm Meierling, executive vice president of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) about how his family escaped socialism in Nicaragua; and about the values of free markets, liberty, and limited government.

Dec 20, 2019

In this episode of Crossroads we speak with Valentin Schmid, business editor at The Epoch Times, about the Federal Reserve and the issues it brought into the U.S. financial system.

We explain boom-bust cycles, fiat currency, fractional reserve banking, the “gold standard,” debt slavery, and how inflation functions...

Nov 27, 2019

In this episode of Crossroads we speak with Mark Jensen, CEO of American Resources Corp., about the American coal and steel industry, and how the political portrayal of the industry may not be accurate.