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Oct 31, 2020

The Swiss banking system has a reputation of being used for tax evasion, money laundering, and other nefarious activities. And Bradley Birkenfeld, one of the biggest whistleblowers in U.S. history, exposed the UBS, which is the world’s largest bank, and how it helped the ultra-wealthy commit tax fraud through...

Oct 30, 2020

Among the swirl of information being released on Hunter Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, has been direct emails provided by a former business partner of Hunter, which point to various pay-to-play deals, among other issues. Those emails, and additional information, were provided to Seamus Bruner,...

Oct 29, 2020

There’s two different realities being shown when it comes to Antifa and its actions to physically attack people they disagree with politically. The Trump administration is looking to designate them as terrorists. And many democrats have argued that Antifa is an idea, not an organization. To give give us some deeper...

Oct 24, 2020

An investigation by the Department of Education found that U.S. universities failed to disclose $6.5 billion in foreign gifts and contracts, in violation of federal law.

Also, a former business associate of Hunter Biden has allegedly been moved from his prison cell to protect him, and has provided authorities with an...

Oct 22, 2020

In the United States, radical groups are tearing down and defacing statues and monuments, journalists and academics are rewriting the history of the nation, and protesters and politicians are calling to de-fund police. The forces at work look to radically remake the United States, yet according to Curtis Bowers,...